Tuesday, June 2, 2015

It is what it is

If only a Snickers bar was the solution to peoples stupidity.

When people make spelling errors to the extent where it doesn't even look like the correct word anymore it is just scary. How do people not know the difference between board an bored. I can easily tell the difference but for some people it is so difficult to identify which one to use in different situations. I am going to hit you with a board when you are bored because you keep tweeting that you are board. 

When someone mixes up words or spells things incorrectly, their errors stand out to me once I read their writing. I think that's all that counts. That you know when someone else or even yourself is making these kind of mistakes. Some people, which includes many teenagers, misuse public language on purpose just to use slang that gets the point across. We all have our moments when we mix up words or use their meanings incorrectly but I feel like as long as you know what you are doing is wrong and you correct yourself, that is all that matters.

On the other hand there are people that order synonym pretzels at the mall. Those people have no cure.Cinnamon and synonym are two completely different words HOW PEOPLE HOW. I have endless frustration with these kinds of people. If you were a good reader since kindergarten and you paid attention in spelling/grammar classes then you should be fine. Once you mess up in your younger school days you are done. Those days are what affect you the most because they are the basics of your knowledge. People that actually did academically well back in those days can distinguish your and you're, too, two, and to without any difficulty. 

Word of advise don't space out when your first grade teacher is teacher is giving a lesson on grammar.

Words are not words

We all use words regardless of their credibility of being actual words. I always thought words are words as long as they made sense and people know what you are talking about, you can't just go a round making up random words. If a word isn't in the dictionary is it not a word? People use them anyways, but why?

I feel like some people don't care if their word choice is proper or not they just say what they want. Other times words start going around, and we all know what they mean although they are not words from the English language. We use these words as a part of our daily conversations with people without realizing that they aren't legit words.

So is it wrong to use words that aren't in the dictionary? People say "ratchet" all the time although the meaning is different when we refer to someone as being "ratchet". We use that word all the time but the way we use that word isn't correct or proper. I saw a vine the other day of a boy saying "That was legitness". It made no sense but I burst out laughing because I knew what he meant. Everyone uses the word" bae" except it isn't a word. It is an acronym that refers to someone you "have a thing with". That sentence makes no sense but I wrote it anyways because it gets the point across. See what I mean?

I feel like it is okay to use these kind of made up words in SOME situations only. You can't go to a job interview and say that your bae recommended that you apply for that job and that is why you are there. However, when you are with your friends or people that understand what you mean when you say things like that then go ahead. You clearly make no sense but hey if people understand what you mean then say what you want... to certain extent of coarse.

Text time


We all are exposed to the different use of public language on social media. How about when we text? Some people write differently on social media than when they text each other. The way we text each other implies what you are trying to say and how you would say it differently if you said it in person. Sometimes we misuse the definition of a word and give it a new meaning.

For example the use of lol is still around to this day. A lot of times we actually use it in a situation where something is actually funny and other times we use it in awkward situations because we don't know what else to say so we throw an lol in there hoping for the best. Personally when I text I want to be concise and get to the point. I know a lot of people write their whole life story in one text and that bothers me because I feel like if you have so much to say call the person! I feel like a lot of times we're too lazy to call each other and would rather text away rather than actually put some effort to communicate verbally.

Some people are extra lazy and they do the most to be concise. When people write things like "luv" instead of "love" it drives me crazy! I know you want to save a little time but some words are not meant to be abbreviated and you should just spell it out. I don't abbreviate words if they look funny once I do so because it's so ugly in my eyes and I can't stand it. Words that I am okay with shortening is "af" or "&" or "rn" nobody has time to be spelling so many words out all the time specially through a text. When people shorten up words to the point where you can't even understand them anymore, that is when I start having problems.

In my opinion the way you write makes or brakes a person. You could be the most attractive person in the worlds but if "u typ3 l!k3 disz" I will never associate myself with you. Honestly there have been so many times where I have gotten messages on twitter from guys that aren't ugly but just by them writing like second graders makes me not even reply to their messages. I feel like why waste your time talking to someone that showed you they're an idiot already.

That is why I feel like there are certain times where you should use improper language and other times where you should just stick to proper English.

Now a days

The reason why we use so much slang and abbreviations and "ghetto phrases" is because we are all exposed to the same kind of influences from social media and our peers. We all use hashtags and say things like "your eyebrows are on fleek". I feel like as long as we only talk that way with each other it is okay. If you start speaking to everyone including adults in that way you start to sound uneducated and it is unattractive. 

Memes are funny and they are constantly used as a form of entertainment. A lot of times teenagers use them to insult each other depending on what the meme says. I personally don't have a problem with memes except for when people start to over use them or spell things wrong. I can't stand when people turn a funny meme into a ghetto meme because they start misusing public language. Once you start using too much slang on a meme its not funny anymore. 

Something else that bothers me is when people overuse the way that teenagers use certain things. I feel like hashtags are only okay to use on twitter and exceptionally on instagram. When hashtags have a limited usage they are no harm. Some people over use them to the point where they have three pages worth of hashtags in their captions on instagram. Thank god twitter has a word limit on tweets or else people would overuse hashtags on there too. Hashtags are supposed to be used to summarize your point or get a point across in a couple words when you start to overuse them they lose their purpose, they're annoying, and no one has time to be reading that many hashtags. People that do these type of things are usually people that try so hard to fit in when it is honestly unnecessary.

All the obnoxiousness in the Ghetto

The thing is, not all people misspell things because they are ghetto or uneducated. In our school districts I feel like some people let their environment influence the way they talk/write and that is why they use public language that way. I feel like some people pretend to be ghetto specially on social media. That is why they write things like "or nah" or "ratchet". I honestly don't know why people do this but the people we surround our selves with impact what we do without us even noticing it. Some people actually can't spell and others just use obnoxious public language to sound "cool". When you post things on any social media, of coarse people from school and your friends are going to see it, so you modify what you want to say, in a way that everyone will know what you're talking about.

There have been many white people that I've seen on social media that try to act black. Which honestly makes me so mad. It frustrates me because they sound so ridiculous. IF YOU ARE NOT GHETTO PLEASE DON'T TRY TO ACT THAT WAY. It is not cute, it is not something to be proud about, and most importantly you sound like an idiot. Not all black people are ghetto though, don't get me wrong, however; stay classy and stop trying to be something you're not!

Social media impacts everything we say/write more than we realize it. Vine in particular influences how we talk because the "sayings" that people use now a days come from the "ghetto" vines that people post. For example saying that your eyebrows are on "fleek" or that you have a "bae" they all come from vines that people have made. There's this guy that copies vines and "sensors" them and makes them with his family. People like that irk me so much. You definitely know he's white. I honestly blocked/reported this guy because I cannot stand him. He copies vines that young people make and then remakes them and they're so stupid.

When teenagers see improper English or "slang" used in an improper manner we always fine it comical. We know it isn't correct but the point is for entertainment, we would correct ourselves if we really wanted to and when adults try to come in and be a part of our jokes/slang it just "kills our vibe". I feel like another factor that influences the way we write is songs. Some artists come up with different types of slang in their lyrics and then teenagers pick up on them and start using them in their everyday vocabulary.

Our environment in my opinion is what influences us the most. Sometimes when I'm talking to adults or my parents I feel like using slang too get my point across but I know I can't talk to them that way because it isn't proper. When teenagers talk amongst themselves we understand exactly what these slang phrases mean because we've all heard the same song or watched the same vine and know where they're coming from.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Break through for lazy people

People are always hating on things. I personally love abbreviations because they make life easier. When you're in class and you have to take a lot of notes abbreviations make your life easier. Abbreviations are only acceptable when you're writing something that only you are going to read. When you're writing a professional document you shouldn't use abbreviations in my opinion because although they are convenient they aren't considered a proper way of spelling.

Abbreviations don't bother me because when you abbreviate something for concsinceness it is different than spelling something incorrectly. If you abbreviate "gov" for "government" it is different than if you say "govermant" instead of "government" it is a completely different because slang makes you seem like you're dumb and don't know what you're talking about and there's never really any harm if you abbreviate something to save a little time.

People that use abbreviations present themselves in a more presentable manner in comparison to using slang. Using slang makes you look ghetto and just stupid. A lot of people use abbreviations in jobs such as people in offices and other work places. If you post things on social media, in my opinion you shouldn't use abbreviations just because you are presenting yourself to a large quantity of people and you want to sound proper instead of awkward because you didn't fully spell a word out.

Abbreviations are nice because they make your life easier when you have a lot of writing to do... just be careful of how you present yourself to other people.

So what do you do?

I guess we all have encountered situations where we've caught people sounding stupid because of their word preferences.

Such as using then instead of than
or 2morrow instead of tomorrow
or saying " chicken seizure salad" instead of " chicken Cesar salad"

Image result for people that cant spell

What happens when you don't drink milk...

Like I've mentioned before a lot of times people don't know exactly how bad they look when they make these sort of mistakes. So what do you do? Do you tell them or do you just make fun of them, correct them in your head and just carry on with your day? I feel like I've done both. Most of the time I will correct people when I see them make mistakes like these specially on social media. If you're the grammar police and you're constantly correcting people, check yourself. Nobody likes a know it all. But seriously people KEEP CALM AND CHECK YOUR SPELLING.

What you do in these situations reflects on what kind of person you are specially as a writer. If you're the type of person that ALWAYS corrects people as annoying as that may seem I feel like that means that you take your sh*t seriously and you despite illiterate people. If you don't care how people write but you still notice when they make these kind of mistakes that means that you still know what you're doing because this use of public language stands out to you.  I don't always point things out because I feel like I don't want to waste my time on stupid people. If it is my friends I am talking to and it is just a little mistake I'll say something, but if it is someone that has no cure for their horrible writing then why bother! 

5 reasons why you shouldn't use slang

If you write like this I will never associate myself with you.

I can honestly say that people that write like this honestly disgust me. Here are 5 consecutive reasons of why you shouldn't write like this.

1) YOU LOOK SO UGLY. As soon as anyone in their right mind reads this they will look down on you for being illiterate because this is not even considered writing.

2) What are you even saying? If you speak to me this way I will not even acknowledge you because I can't understand what you are saying and I am not trying to figure it out either. If your shift key is actually broken like the facebook comment suggests then please contact me and I will personally get it fixed because I feel bad for you.

3) You will be homeless for the rest of your life. If you present yourself in any work field with this kind of writing you will walk out the door faster than you walked in. No one is going to take you serious if this is how you present yourself. It is unprofesssional and most importantly incorrect. I will deffinantly not put a dollar in your little "help me" box when I walk past you in the street just because you spell like that.

4) This is not okay. There are a majority of people that go on with their day posting things on social media thinking that they are doing nothing wrong. Well let me send you back to kindergarden but even that is an embarrassment because a five year old can be more accurate than you.

5) ALL OF THE ABOVE TIMES 100. You are ugly, you don't make sense, and you will get no where in life because you are just a disgrace to the english language.

No offence but most of the people that write this way are "ghetto". I guess its not your fault that you're ghetto but seriously do something about it. People that write like this have probably been exposed to an uneducated environment and it has affected them in a huge way. There is a solution for your problem, correct yourself or don't speak/write at all.

How did Mr. Perez get a job

Mr. Perez's use of public language is so bad that it deserve its own post.


This is literally every person in everyone of Mr. Perez's classrooms.

I can admit that Spanish is not an easy language to learn. However, my issue is that Mr. Perez cannot speak correct, proper, and well pronounced Spanish at all. REALLY LIKE AT ALL. Yet, he is a Spanish teacher. I ask myself how did this man get a job. I would understand if he was substituting for a real Spanish teacher, but this man literally has a college degree to teach high school students the Spanish language, yet he doesn't know what he is talking about most of the time. I don't know if our school couldn't find a real Spanish teacher and had to settle for Mr. Perez or if our school is that bad and they actually thought hiring Mr. Perez is a good idea. 

I grew up speaking Spanish as my first language so if you ask me I kind of know what I am talking about. I can speak it, read it, and write it perfectly so whenever Mr. Perez opens his mouth I just want to throw him out the window. He doesn't make little errors here and there he just literally doesn't know anything about the Spanish language and it makes me want to rip my hair out! He gives us handouts in Spanish or whatever language he thinks he is writing in and he will write things like "Escribe sobre los president" when it should look like "Escribe sobre los presidentes" His spelling is so bad that it is not even in one language! He always mixes words up and writes English words in Spanish sentences. When he is verbally speaking to us he stutters and says things that don't even make sense. I feel like I could stand up and start teaching ten times better than Mr. Perez. I know Mrs. Schultz said we had to write why people use public language this way but I honestly don't know why Mr. Perez sucks that bad. I don't blame him for not being able to speak Spanish properly, my problem is that he has a college degree in Spanish which means he should know what he is talking about and he honestly doesn't. What doesn't make sense to me is how a Spanish teacher doesn't know Spanish. Maybe I should stay with him after school and teach him Spanish, instead of you know... the other way around.

Rant #1



Log on to any form of  social media and you can find at least 5 people that you just want to throw a dictionary at because they are THAT terrible. No one is perfect, we all make typos here and there, however; some people just can't spell for sh*t. :) 

Now a days I don't know whether to go off on someone or just laugh at the fact that they don't that the way they're writing is incorrect. Whenever I am talking to someone through any form of text and I notice that they spell something incorrectly it just bothers me like can itch that I can't get rid of just because I want to correct them so bad! There are so many examples of situations where people should really really know how to correctly spell something. EXAMPLE NUMERO UNO:



One of my closest friends just has the worst spelling habits it is not even funny. I don't even want to correct her because in a way I feel bad because her spelling is THAT BAD. She always mixes up he's and his or these and this like ohhhhhhh myyyyyy goddddd does that get on my last nerves. Instead of saying he's cute she would say his cute. I hope you can picture me rolling my eyes right about now. She would also say something like I really want this new shoes, instead of saying I really want these new shoes. THE FRUSTRATION IS REAL. Recently I was talking to this guy from Zion he is  really cute soccer player and I honestly was considering going out with him until he told me "Your so beautiful". Yeah that relationship was over before it started. I feel like I'm always venting to Mrs. Schultz about my relationships in these blogs but anyways... I feel like some people just naturally spell like this ALL the time. No matter how many times you correct them they will continue making these type of mistakes in their writing. The primary reason is because of their early grammar lessons in elementary school. Some people clearly weren't paying attention in class when your first grade teacher was explaining the difference between YOU AND YOU'RE. I honestly do think that is the main reason why some people make so many grammar errors because they don't catch themselves when writing and they mix up the meanings of the words and don't realize how stupid they sound because their poor little selves can't spell :(. Whenever I make a spelling error or a typo I recognize it either after the red line comes up from the ABC spelling check or when I reread my writing and recognize my mistakes. Reading and writing has always been one of my stronger suits in school and I can honestly distinguish little things like the difference from to and too or intelligence and intelligents. LET ME BE MORE PACIFIC, I mean specific.... Not too long ago we had a substitute teacher in my 8th period class and he wrote on the board " You have a text on Friday" We were coming at him so hard and trying to correct him also but he didn't see his mistake. TEST we had a TEST on Friday. His excuse is that he was old and he didn't know English that much but still, if you are going to associate yourself with students in a school you should honestly know the difference between test and text.