Monday, June 1, 2015

Rant #1



Log on to any form of  social media and you can find at least 5 people that you just want to throw a dictionary at because they are THAT terrible. No one is perfect, we all make typos here and there, however; some people just can't spell for sh*t. :) 

Now a days I don't know whether to go off on someone or just laugh at the fact that they don't that the way they're writing is incorrect. Whenever I am talking to someone through any form of text and I notice that they spell something incorrectly it just bothers me like can itch that I can't get rid of just because I want to correct them so bad! There are so many examples of situations where people should really really know how to correctly spell something. EXAMPLE NUMERO UNO:



One of my closest friends just has the worst spelling habits it is not even funny. I don't even want to correct her because in a way I feel bad because her spelling is THAT BAD. She always mixes up he's and his or these and this like ohhhhhhh myyyyyy goddddd does that get on my last nerves. Instead of saying he's cute she would say his cute. I hope you can picture me rolling my eyes right about now. She would also say something like I really want this new shoes, instead of saying I really want these new shoes. THE FRUSTRATION IS REAL. Recently I was talking to this guy from Zion he is  really cute soccer player and I honestly was considering going out with him until he told me "Your so beautiful". Yeah that relationship was over before it started. I feel like I'm always venting to Mrs. Schultz about my relationships in these blogs but anyways... I feel like some people just naturally spell like this ALL the time. No matter how many times you correct them they will continue making these type of mistakes in their writing. The primary reason is because of their early grammar lessons in elementary school. Some people clearly weren't paying attention in class when your first grade teacher was explaining the difference between YOU AND YOU'RE. I honestly do think that is the main reason why some people make so many grammar errors because they don't catch themselves when writing and they mix up the meanings of the words and don't realize how stupid they sound because their poor little selves can't spell :(. Whenever I make a spelling error or a typo I recognize it either after the red line comes up from the ABC spelling check or when I reread my writing and recognize my mistakes. Reading and writing has always been one of my stronger suits in school and I can honestly distinguish little things like the difference from to and too or intelligence and intelligents. LET ME BE MORE PACIFIC, I mean specific.... Not too long ago we had a substitute teacher in my 8th period class and he wrote on the board " You have a text on Friday" We were coming at him so hard and trying to correct him also but he didn't see his mistake. TEST we had a TEST on Friday. His excuse is that he was old and he didn't know English that much but still, if you are going to associate yourself with students in a school you should honestly know the difference between test and text.

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